
The SIMPLER Consortium provides support to businesses in accessing funding for their innovation and business development projects. Specifically, they offer the following services:

  • guidance and assistance on European, national, and regional/local funding opportunities
  • indications and support for accessing venture capital and alternative funding sources, such as crowdfunding, minibonds, etc.
  • organizing informative and training events on public and private funding opportunities
  • facilitating meetings between companies and venture capital investors.

Support for European Funding Programs

Orientation and information on funding opportunities

SIMPLER’s offers to companies and research centers free individual support services for participating in Horizon Europe and other European funding programs.

These services include:

  • Initial guidance on different funding calls.
  • Ensuring alignment between project ideas and specific call requirements.
  • Assistance in refining project concepts.

Feasibility assessment and refinement of project ideas

SIMPLER provides personalized assistance for presenting projects in European funding calls. They assess the feasibility of project ideas and help refine proposals to be submitted to the European Commission.

Partner search for research and development (R&D) projects

The Enterprise Europe Network offers a database of international collaboration opportunities for R&D projects. Simpler Consortium helps companies connect with potential partners through the database.

Contact with Italian and international Investors: 

SIMPLER partners provide personalized training and assistance services to SMEs and startups for exploring the best funding opportunities, accessing credit, and enhancing their ability to present themselves to investors. 

SIMPLER organizes B2I (Business-to-Investor) events to directly support innovative SMEs and startups in connecting with both public and private investors