
Category: Profili

Biopolimeri da Scarti Alimentari

Startup svizzera cleantech cerca fornitori UE di scarti agroalimentari (gusci, noccioli, oli esausti) per produzione biopolimeri termoplastici. Tecnologia brevettata trasforma rifiuti in granuli eco-compatibili per settori moda e strumentazione. Collaborazione richiede pre-trattamento materie prime (essiccazione, macinatura <100μm) e fornitura minima...

Biomateriali Sostenibili per ridurre le Microplastiche

Startup tedesca propone collaborazioni industriali per biomateriali biodegradabili sviluppati tramite IA e scienza dei materiali. Soluzioni tecniche per settori cosmetici, agricoli e tessili (bio-pellami, rivestimenti semi). Innovazione: ottimizzazione processi produttivi via simulazioni in silico, riduzione costi e miglioramento prestazioni. Allineamento...

Ricerca imballaggi protettivi biodegradabili per sistemi audio

Produttore danese di sistemi audio premium cerca fornitori materiali protettivi biodegradabili (schiume EPE/EVA, sacchi PE antistatici) tramite accordo di fornitura. Sostenibilità garantita da: materiali riciclati/riciclabili, design zero-waste, logistica inversa per riutilizzo imballi. Tecnologie richieste: taglio CNC per inserti su misura...

HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-01: Global health surveillance at the interface between humans and their environment: a partner with climate expertise is sought

To properly respond to the call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-01, the French coordinator is looking for a partner with climate expertise. The project will develop a multidisciplinary monitoring system focused on infectious diseases to evaluate the impact of degraded environnment on human health...

Spanish Industrial company manufacturer of thermoplastic components for the automotive sector is looking for partners to participate in a Horizon Europe R&D project as a bio-polymer compounder or as an end user case.

A Basque large industrial Company specialised in thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and thermoplastic (TP) compounding for automotive components is looking for partners to build up a consortium to participate in a Horizon Europe R&D project for the call HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-42 and also...

Swiss SME with a history in disruptive innovations along with a Swiss university is seeking R&D Eurostars partners for a Parkinson’s disease mobile app for patient management to assist with anomalous motor conditions

Swiss SME + university have put together a Eurostars proposal and PoC for a Parkinson’s disease (PD) mobile app for patient management to assist with anomalous motor conditions. The goals are to expand its virtual care platform capabilities, to add...

An international consortium led by a Swiss company is seeking an SME with expertise in voice recognition technology for an Eurostars project in the field of aphasia

A consortium with currently 2 SME and 2 university partners from the Netherlands, France and Switzerland is planning toinnovate an existing system for aphasia therapy in the frame of an Eurostars funding project. The aim of the project is tointegrate...

German SME urgently seeks project partners for Horizon Europe project application call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-04

A German SME (spin-off of the Hasso Plattner Institute), intends to apply as lead partner for a project in the current call HORIZON-HLTH-2023-TOOL-05-04. Project partners who possess health data and are able and willing to make it available for secondary...

Basque SME is urgently looking for partners/consortia to apply to HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-6: Biosensors and user-friendly diagnostic tools for environmental services

A technology-based Basque start-up specialised in developing photonic solutions would like to join a consortium, with experienced partners, to apply to the HORIZON-CL6-2023-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-6 Call, “Biosensors and user-friendly diagnostic tools for environmental services”. The deadline for submitting proposals is on 28...

Biopolimeri da Scarti Alimentari

Startup svizzera cleantech cerca fornitori UE di scarti agroalimentari (gusci, noccioli, oli esausti) per produzione biopolimeri termoplastici. Tecnologia brevettata trasforma rifiuti in granuli eco-compatibili per settori moda e strumentazione. Collaborazione

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